Mapon integration with Tachogram

Tachogram is a complete solution for managing and processing your digital tachograph files.

Mapon's integration with Tachogram streamlines the analysis of digital tachograph data, offering a faster and more convenient process.

Follow these steps to set up the integration seamlessly.

Note! To successfully create this integration, you need to create an account on the Tachogram webpage first. 

Setting up the Integration

  1. Log in to your Tachogram account. 
  2. Locate the Settings section in the left toolbar of the platform and open the Integration subsection. 
  3. Click 'Create API Key' button.

  4. Write the name of your API key and press the 'Create Key' button.
    You will see the generated API key displayed on the screen. 
  5. In the Mapon platform locate Settings section in the left toolbar.
  6. Open Tachograph file upload sub-section and click 'New upload configuration'

  7. In the pop-up window, fill in the required fields:
    • Upload file type - choose which files are being uploaded to Tachogram. You can choose either specific type such as driver or vehicle or all.
    • Depot - if you are using depots for grouping your company vehicles and drivers, you can choose which depot is getting uploaded via API.
    • Uploader - Mapon offers tachograph data uploads to various other systems. For integration with Tachogram choose

  8. Paste the previously created API key from the Tachogram platform into the API key window.
  9. When data is saved - the integration is successfully created. 
  10. In addition, you will see the 'Log' button next to the added API key. 
    By pressing it, you will be able to see when the last file uploads were made to Tachogram. The upload usually happens within a couple of minutes after file is remotely downloaded via Mapon platform. 

Note! Both API keys must match for the integration to be successful.
If any changes are made, for example, the old API key is deleted or a new one is created, the file upload will not happen!