How to View, Edit, or Delete Existing Users?

User management is available to existing users with administrator or unlimited access rights.

View Users

View list of users currently registered under your company account.

  1. Locate Settings >> Users to open the user management section.

  2. Customize which fields are visible in the user list by simply clicking on the Settings button.

  3. Use the search bar to find a specific user based on the name, email, phone number or other information. 

Edit Users

Change access restrictions, passwords or e-mails and other settings at any time. 

  1. Locate Settings >> Users to open the user management section.

  2. Click the Edit button to make changes to the user settings.

  3. The user profile will appear in a pop-up window, allowing you to easily make any needed changes.

  4. Click Save.

Block User

Temporarily cancel the platform access for a specific user.

  1. Locate Settings >> Users to open the user management section.

  2. Click the Edit button to make changes to the user settings.

  3. Check the Blocked checkbox to restrict access for a specific user. You can also provide a reason for blocking if needed.

  4. Click Save.

The user profile will remain on the platform but the user won't have the access to the platform. When the access has to be restored, simply reset the blocking status.

Delete User

Remove employee from your company user list.

  1. Locate Settings >> Users to open the user management section.

  2. Locate the user you wish to remove from your company's user list.

  3. Click Delete.

Users with Administrator rights can't be deleted.