How to Create User Presets?

User management is available to existing users with administrator or unlimited access rights.

About User Presets

User presets consist of bundles of various access rights that can be stored and assigned to multiple users.
Utilizing user presets can significantly streamline the user creation process by eliminating the need to manually activate each access right individually for every new user.


Create a New Preset

The principle of creating a new preset is the same as choosing access rights for users with limited access. The same sections and settings will be available for selection. 

  1. Locate Settings >> Users to open the user management section.

  2. Click MANAGE USER PRESETS and then CREATE NEW to start creating a preset. 

  3. Select a name for the preset that is meaningful to you for easy management later on. Then, click on the NEXT button to proceed.

  4. Choose which vehicles, drivers, objects, and permissions will be available to the users with this preset. Each time click NEXT.

  5. After selecting the access rights, a summary of the chosen permissions will be shown. You can then click on the Edit button to make any changes to the access rights or click on the SAVE button to complete the creation of the new preset.

Applying the Preset

The preset can be applied anytime, whether when setting up a new user or for existing users.
  1. Switch to Access rights tab and choose the type By preset.
  2. The additional dropdown will be displayed. Choose one of the presets and click SAVE

Delete Preset

The preset can be deleted any time. Access rights applied by the preset won't disappear after deleting the preset. The rights applied to the user will remain but will be renamed as Custom.

  1. Click MANAGE USER PRESETS and then Delete.

  2. When you see the confirmation window, simply click on "YES, DELETE" if you are certain about deleting the preset.